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"The boy who paints like an old master"

Posted: 1 de fev. de 2010 | Publicada por AMC | Etiquetas:

Com a devida vénia ao Fernando, que a ela já tinha apontado os seus Sinais, aqui ficam mais alguns parágrafos para acrescentar à história do 'Menino Pintor':

 *fotos de Graham Turner

Leio no The Guardian:

His pictures cost upwards of £900, there are 680 people on a waiting list to buy them, and his second exhibition sold out in 14 minutes. Patrick Barkham meets the gifted artist Kieron Williamson, aged seven

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Leio igualmente no Daily Mail:

Incredible watercolour paintings by boy aged just SIX

Obviously keen to follow in his footsteps by courting royal patronage, Kieron said: 'I'm going to send one of my pictures to Prince Charles. I've already sent one to the Queen but I haven't had a reply yet.'
An exhibition of his work will go on display on Sunday - two days before his seventh birthday - at Mrs Pennington's gallery, The Last Picture Show In Town. 

Watercolour by Keiron Williamson, six
Light touch: Washes of colour say it all in this landscape by the dedicated artist 
Marshes Marshes
Country scene: River marshes are brought to life with careful brush strokes 
Art expert Jeremy Green, owner of The Canon Gallery in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, said of Kieron's work: 'It is unusual to see someone of that age painting with such definition and in such a stylistic way. Normally they would be splashing colour all over the place.
'Some of these watercolours have a very rigid structure as if he has been painting in that style for some time. They are very good, there's no doubt about it.'
• Kieron's work is on show at the Last Picture Show In Town, Cromer Road, Holt, Norfolk, from Sunday.

houses houses
Country life: A village scene interpreted by Kieron

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