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Isla Mujeres Underwater Art Museum

Posted: 24 de fev. de 2010 | Publicada por AMC |

The first phase of a new ambitious underwater project in Mexico, Cancun is now complete. The first three sculptures were submerged in November, entitled: The Archive of Lost Dreams, Man on Fire and The Gardener of Hope. The construction of the monumental 2nd phase is also underway which includes over 400 life size figurative works and when complete will form part of the world's largest underwater art museum.

# Mais informação: The Silent Evolution (pdf).

A short trailer of the first three sculptures installed in the National Marine Park of Cancun, Isla Mujeres and Punta Nizuc. The placements mark the opening of the new Cancun and Isla Mujeres underwater Museum.

Estas foram as primeiras esculturas instaladas:

TamCC Project

Neste vídeo mostra-se a evolução:

Collection of over 68 underwater sculptures located in Grenada and the UK all by sculptor Jason deCaires Taylor. Video details the transformations of the pieces over a 2 year period.

Jason deCaires Taylor entrevistado por Miranda Krestovnikoff no The Underwater Channel TV, a 21 de Dezembro de 2008:

Neste vídeo: We all know that underwater scenery can be startlingly beautiful, but when you add the unique sculptures of Jason de Caires-Taylor well take a look for yourself it won't disappoint.

Jason vai actualizando os vídeos no seu canal do Youtube

Oceans teem with microscopic organisms that are constantly drifting down towards the sea bed, attaching to and colonising on the way any hard secure surface, such as rock outcrops, and thereby creating the basis of a natural reef. Coral reefs attract an array of marine life (such as colourful fish, turtles, sea urchins, sponges, and sharks) and also provide enclosed spaces for sea creatures to breed or take refuge.
Only about 10 – 15% of the sea bed has a solid enough substratum to allow reefs to form naturally. In order to increase the number of reefs in these areas artificial reefs have recently been created from materials that are durable, secure and environmentally sensitive. These reefs appear to have been successful in that they have attracted coral growth which, in turn, can support an entire marine ecosystem.
One of the greatest benefits of artificial reefs is that they have lifted the pressure off natural reefs which, over the past few decades, have been over-fished and over-visited. By diverting attention to artificial reefs, natural reefs have now been given a greater chance to repair and to regenerate.

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