Trabalho oficial cumprido, trabalho de casa terminado. Deixo, então, tudo o que foi sendo recolhido ao longo do 'Research Dissemination Workshop' organizado pelo Banco Mundial – Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development – que ontem decorreu em Washington e a que o Conexão já aqui havia feito menção.
Chamo a atenção para um detalhe interessante, que pode passar despercebido no conjunto dos materiais aqui deixados: os vídeos do evento. Estão disponíveis na íntegra, pelo que é possível assistir ao que foi dito pelos diversos 'speakers' intervenientes em cada uma das 5 sessões incluídas no Programa. Idem para a sessão inaugural e o debate final.
Indigenous Peoples worldwide continue to be among the poorest of the poor and continue to suffer from higher poverty, lower education, and a greater incidence of disease and discrimination than other groups. This is the main finding of the study Indigenous Peoples, Poverty, and Development supported by The Trust Fund for Environmentally & Socially Sustainable Development (TFESSD). The study offers a "global snapshot" of a set of indicators for Indigenous Peoples vis-à-vis national demographic averages. It also considers in detail how social conditions have evolved in seven countries around the world (Central African Republic, China, Congo, Gabon, India, Laos and Vietnam) during 2005-2010, the first half of the UN's Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. The report attempts to systematically document poverty for Indigenous Peoples outside of the Americas, New Zealand and Australia. The most encouraging news from the study is that some countries are making progress in poverty reduction for Indigenous Peoples. We now know that poverty rates have declined substantially among Indigenous Peoples in Asia.
To disseminate the main findings of the above report this workshop brought together the authors of the various studies to share their findings and engage in a dialogue with researchers and Bank staff about how to operationalize the findings. The event also brought together researchers studying Indigenous Peoples' issues in other parts of the world and involved in innovative projects. In addition, the event included a policy discussion with representatives of other multilateral organizations.

- Tamar Manuelyan, Vice President, Human Development Network
- Facilitator: Phil Hay, Communications Adviser, Human Development Network
Gillette Hall, Visiting Associate Professor, Georgetown University
Harry Patrinos, Lead Education Economist, Human Development Network - Education
Africa: Quentin Wodon, Adviser, Human Development Network – Development Dialog on Values & Ethics
Vietnam: Hai-Anh Dang, Consultant, Social Development Department
Laos: Dominique Van De Walle, Lead Economist, PREM - Gender and Development
China: Emily Hannum, Associate Professor of Sociology and Education, University of Pennsylvania
India: Maitreyi Das, Lead Social Development Specialist, Social Development Department
Bolivia: Ricardo Godoy, Professor, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University; Eduardo Undarraga, PhD Candidate, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University
Mexico: Vicente Garcia-Moreno, PhD Candidate in Economics and Education, Columbia University
Chile: David Ader, PhD Candidate in Rural Sociology and Demography, Pennsylvania State University
Canada: Daniel Wilson, Independent Consultant, Aboriginal Rights, Human Rights and Strategic Planning; David Macdonald, Economist and Research Associate, Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives
- Susan Wong, Lead Social Development Specialist, Social Development Department
- Dalee S. Dorough, Assistant Professor, University of Alaska Anchorage, UNPFII Member 2011-13
- Anne Deruyttere, Member Compliance Review Panel, ADB, Former Chief Indigenous Peoples Unit, IDB
# Cf. também os seguintes documentos de consulta disponibilizados:
Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development

- Vietnam: Growth in Vietnam is strong but not shared equitably across ethnic groups
- Laos: Catching up slowly: ethnic and gender inequalities in Lao PDR
Authors Gillette Hall and Harry Patrinos discuss the findings of the report:

Cyprian Fisiy on Bank's Engagement with Indigenous Peoples:

Ideias e 'insights' dos participantes
- Anne Deruyttere, Asian Development Bank
- Dalee S. Dorough, University of Alaska Anchorage, UNPFII Member 2011-13
- Daniel Wilson, Aboriginal Rights, Human Rights & Strategic Planning
- David Ader, Pennsylvania State University
- David Macdonald, Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives
- Eduardo Undurraga, Brandeis University
- Flavio Rojas, University of North Carolina
David Ader is a PhD Candidate in Rural Sociology and Demography at Penn State University. His research focuses on social and economic inequality, more specifically he researches the socio-demographic, economic, and spatial factors that affect the poverty status of indigenous people. David has worked on rural development projects in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa with non-profit organizations, government agencies and the UN, as well as holding multiple consultant and research positions.
Hai-Anh Dang, Ph.D. University of Minnesota, is currently working as a post-doctorate consultant with the World Bank in Washington DC. His main research interest is development economics, education economics, and household and school survey design. He has (co)-authored papers in a number of journals such as Economic Development and Cultural Change, Economics of Education Review, Research in Labor Economics, the World Bank Economic Review, as well as a book on private tutoring in Vietnam with VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller Publishing House.
Maitreyi Bordia Das works on social protection in the South Asia Human Development Department in Washington DC. Her work is both operational and analytical, covering overarching human development issues. More specifically, she works on employment, social inclusion, safety nets and related policy and institutional reform primarily in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. Maitreyi has a PhD in Demography from the University of Maryland and has published extensively on issues of ethnic and gender inequality. Most recently she has led a major report on social exclusion in India and another on safety nets in Nepal. Maitreyi started her career as a lecturer in St Stephen's College, University of Delhi and has been a MacArthur Fellow at the Harvard Center of Population and Development Studies. Before joining the World Bank Maitreyi was in the Maharashtra cadre of the Indian Administrative Service. She has also worked in the Caribbean as advisor to the UNDP.
Anne Deruyttere has over 30 years of experience on indigenous peoples, community development and social safeguards, mostly at the Inter-American Development Bank where she was Chief of the Indigenous Peoples and Community Development Unit. She authored and coordinated the preparation of IDB’s policies on involuntary resettlement and on indigenous issues and spearheaded innovative projects at the intersection of culture and development. She currently is one of the three members of the Asian Development Bank's independent Compliance Review Panel and has been consulting with the World Bank, IFC, IFAD, GTZ, private sector companies and several universities. She holds graduate degrees from the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) and the University of Edinburgh (UK).
Dalee Sambo Dorough (Inuit-Alaska) holds a Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia, Faculty of Law (2002) and a Master of Arts in Law & Diplomacy from The Fletcher School at Tufts University (1991). Dr. Dorough is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at University of Alaska Anchorage; Alaska Member of the Inuit Circumpolar Council Advisory Committee on UN Issues; Member of the Board of Trustees of UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations; and Member of the International Law Association Committee on Rights of Indigenous Peoples. On behalf of the Arctic region, Dr. Dorough was appointed to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. She has a long history of involvement in development of indigenous human rights standards at the UN, OAS, ILO and other international fora. Recent publications include the human rights chapter of the UN publication State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples.
Cyprian Fisiy is the Director Social Development Department of the World Bank’s Sustainable Development Network (SDN). The Social Development Department offers advisory and operational support, research and innovative thinking in diverse areas at policy, program and project levels. The Department provides guidance on social development considerations in both the Bank’s lending and non-lending programs; and supply technical support to ensure social safeguard compliance of Bank-financed operations. Mr. Fisiy joined the Bank in 1994 as a Social Scientist in the Africa Environment Sustainable Development Department (AFTES) and has since held various positions, including that of Lead Social Scientist Africa Poverty Reduction and Social Development, and Sector Manager in the East Asia and Pacific Sustainable Development Department (EASSO). Mr. Fisiy, a Cameroonian national and has a Ph.D in Social Sciences (Socio-Legal Studies) from the University of Leiden.
Vicente Garcia-Moreno is currently pursuing his PhD in Economics and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. His research interests include Education, Indigenous Education, Poverty, Social Capital, and Economic Growth. Mr. Garcia-Moreno has worked as a consultant to both the Human Development Department at the World Bank in Mexico, and at the Education Department of the Human Development Network (HDNED) at its headquarters in Washington, DC. Prior to that, Mr. Garcia-Moreno worked for Mexico's Ministry of Education on the project "Educational Performance with Technology" for basic education.
Ricardo Godoy is Professor at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management. His major research focus is the collection of panel data among a native Amazonian society of foragers-farmers in Bolivia to estimate the effects of globalization, market exposure, and acculturation on a wide range of indicators of well-being. The work is done with a multidiscipline team. As part of the panel study, he and his team have done several evaluations using an experimental research design. He has a PhD in cultural anthropology, but is a closet econometrician.
Gillette Hall is on leave from the World Bank at the Georgetown University Public Policy Institute. As Visiting Associate Professor she co-manages the Global Indigenous research program and teaches graduate courses in Economic Development, and is the 2010 recipient of the Outstanding Faculty award. She holds a Ph.D in Economics from the University of Cambridge, England, and has held previous teaching positions at the University of Oregon and Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.
Emily Hannum is an associate professor and chair of graduate studies in the Department of Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on education, child welfare and social inequality, particularly in China. In China, she has worked on gender, ethnic, and geographic disparities in education, changes in the impact of education on income and occupational attainment under market reforms, rural teachers and their links to student outcomes, and children’s and adolescents’ welfare under market reforms. She co-directs the Gansu Survey of Children and Families, a collaborative, longitudinal study of children in rural northwest China, and is co-editor of Comparative Education Review. She recently published Globalization, Changing Demographics, and Educational Challenges in East Asia.
Phil Hay Communications Adviser for the World Bank's Human Development Network, designing and leading global media and outreach campaigns to deepen the impact and profile of the World Bank’s work in education, health, social protection, and other human development priorities. A former BBC Special Correspondent, US Correspondent, and writer and commentator on international affairs, Mr. Hay is a frequent moderator of high-level development ministerial summits and conferences as the Accra High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness. the International Health Partnership country meetings in Zambia, Mali, and Belgium, ECOSOC's 2010 Ministerial Roundtable on School Feeding; and ministerial panels on the Education for All: Fast Track Initiative.
Robin Horn is the Education Sector Manager of the World Bank's Human Development Network. He is responsible for leading the program and charged with developing the concepts and strategies for education sector policy at the World Bank and for supporting country programs and professional development in the areas of quality learning for all; skills and knowledge for competitiveness and growth; building competencies for lifelong learning, employment, productivity and innovation-led growth; and education systems for results. From 2002 until 2006, he was Lead Education Specialist in the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia Region. Between 1992 and 2003, he was responsible for the Bank’s education program for Brazil, as well for other countries in the Latin American and the Caribbean region. His work with the Bank has involved collaboration with national governments, state governments, civil society organizations, and academics. Dr. Horn has a Ph.D. in Economics of Education from Columbia University in New York City.
Elisabeth Huybens is the Sector Manager for the Social Development Department of the World Bank’s Sustainable Development Network (SDN). The Social Development Department offers advisory and operational support, research and innovative thinking in social sustainability, focusing on what makes societies cohesive, inclusive, resilient and accountable. Ms. Huybens manages the overall department and leads research on successful public institutions in fragile and conflict-affected situations. She is the leader of the Bank's Global Expert Team on Fragile and Conflict-affected Situations. M. Huybens joined the Bank in 2000 as an Economist in the Africa Region and has since held various positions, including that of Country Economist for Chad, Country Manager for Timor-Leste and Lead Country Operations Officer for South East Europe. Ms. Huybens, a Belgian national, has a Ph.D in Economics from Cornell University.
Elisabeth Huybens, from the Philippines, has held a variety of positions as an economist and manager in the policy, research and operational units of the World Bank. Since early 2002, he has been Sector Director, Human Development, in the World Bank’s East Asia Region, where he is responsible for managing operational staff working on education, health and social protection issues. Prior to this, he held a similar position in the Bank’s South Asia Region. Before that he served for many years in the Bank’s Development Economics Staff, where he managed staff and also engaged in research on a variety of topics, including education and health finance, the private provision of social services, the economics of transfer programs and urban development. He recently took time off from his operational duties to lead the team that prepared Bank’s flagship publication, the World Development Report 2007: Development and the Next Generation. He also serves as the current editor of the journal, The World Bank Research Observer.
David Macdonald is an Ottawa-based economist and Research Associate with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. He heads the Centre’s Alternative Federal Budget project that takes a fresh look at how the federal government can build a better Canada. In addition, he has examined growing inequality in Canada and the detrimental effect that mortgage debt and the Canadian housing bubble is having on middle class Canadians. David is a frequent media commentator on public policy issues.
Tamar Manuelyan Atinc is Vice President for Human Development at the World Bank. Prior to her appointment in June 2010, Ms. Manuelyan Atinc was Director for Human Development in the Bank’s Europe and Central Asia region where she led its work in the areas of health, education, and social protection and labor, and served as a member of the Board of the Roma Education Fund (REF). REF was co-founded by the Bank and Open Society Institute in 2005 to reduce the education gap between Roma and non-Roma children. Since joining the Bank in 1984, she has worked extensively in countries across Africa, East Asia and the Pacific, and Europe and Central Asia, with positions such as Senior Economist on China, and Country Economist for Cameroon and Guinea. Ms. Manuelyan Atinc was also a co-author of the 2006 World Development Report on Equity and Development.
Harry Anthony Patrinos is Lead Education Economist at the World Bank. He specializes in all areas of education, especially school-based management, demand-side financing and public-private partnerships. He manages the Benchmarking Education Systems for Results program, and leads the Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development research program. He has many publications in the academic and policy literature, with more than 40 journal articles. He is co-author of the book Indigenous People and Poverty in Latin America: An Empirical Analysis with George Psacharopoulos. He has also worked in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North America. He previously worked as an economist at the Economic Council of Canada. Mr. Patrinos received a doctorate from the University of Sussex.
Eduardo Undurraga is a PhD Candidate in Social Policy at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University. His area of research specialization is on social stratification, poverty, and inequality in Latin America. He is currently working with Dr. Godoy on the Tsimane’ Amazonian Panel Study, TAPS, and has considerable experience working in shanty towns with non-profit organizations in Chile. Eduardo holds an Hydraulic Engineering degree and a Master in Latin-American Social and Political Studies.
Dominique Van De Walle is a Lead Economist in the World Bank's Gender and Development Group. She holds a Masters in Economics from the London School of Economics and a Ph. D. in economics from the Australian National University, and began her career at the Bank as a member of the core team that produced the 1990 World Development Report on Poverty. Her research interests are in the general area of poverty and public policy, encompassing rural development, infrastructure (rural roads, water, electricity), poverty and women's labor force participation, impact evaluation and safety nets. The bulk of her recent research has been on Vietnam.
Eduardo Velez has a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Illinois. His field of study was Applied Social Statistics. His areas of interest include Sociology of Social and Economic Development, Sociology of Education, and Analysis and Evaluation of Development Programs. Dr. Velez has had a long trajectory at the World Bank in Washington D.C., Mexico City and in Beijing. He is currently Education Sector Manager for East Asia and the Pacific, and has been Education Sector Manager for Latin American and the Caribbean, Sector Coordinator (Human Development) for the China program, Sector Leader (Human and Social Development for Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela), and Human Development Cluster Leader for Uganda and Tanzania. He also served as Principal Education Specialist for Eastern and Southern Africa. Before joining the World Bank, Dr. Velez was Adjunct Director at Instituto Ser de Investigación in Bogotá, Colombia, his country of origin.
Daniel Wilson is an independent consultant specializing in Aboriginal rights, human rights and strategic planning. Daniel holds degrees in philosophy from the University of Western Ontario and in law from the University of Victoria. He spent 10 years as a diplomat in Canada’s foreign service, working principally with refugees in Southeast Asia, Eastern and Central Africa and the Middle East. Daniel has also served as Director of Strategic Planning at Citizenship and Immigration Canada and as Senior Director of Strategic Policy and Planning with the Assembly of First Nations, Canada’s largest Indigenous representative political body. Most recently, he has acted as a consultant to the Canadian Human Rights Commission, various Indigenous organizations across Canada and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Daniel is of Mi’kmaq, Acadian and Irish heritage.
Quentin Wodon is Adviser and Program Manager for the Development Dialogue on Values and Ethics at the World Bank. Upon completing business engineering studies, he worked first in Thailand as Laureate of the Prize of the Belgian Minister for Foreign Trade, and next for Procter and Gamble Benelux. In 1988, he decided to shift career to work on poverty and joined the International Movement ATD Fourth World, a grassroots and advocacy NGO working with the extreme poor. He later completed his PhD in Economics at American University, taught at the University of Namur, and came to the World Bank in 1998, where he worked first on Latin America and next on sub-Saharan Africa. Dr. Wodon has published more than a dozen books and close to 200 papers.
Susan Wong is a Lead Social Development Specialist in the Social Development Department at the World Bank. Susan specializes in monitoring and evaluation, community-based programs and operations, and social sustainability issues including social safeguards. Prior to joining the World Bank, she worked on development programs for the US Agency for International Development and the United Nations Development Program. She has lived and worked in Asia and Africa for the past 23 years.
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